27 January 2008

Food Fight

I've only been in a couple of real food fights in my life. The best one was in Master's in our singlewide (yes, we lived in a singlewide). Something having to do with chocolate cake and... well, I won't go into it. This short film by Stefan Nadelman trumps them all though. The filmmaker presents a brief history of war, from WWII to present day, told through the foods of the countries in conflict.

Watching brought an internal conflict of my own. This incredibly creative if not disconcerting short is hilarious and yet events portrayed are anything but. As my good friend Steven pointed out... it's food so there's no one to get angry with. I must say that the Cold War buildup was my favorite.

Watch below and see how many countries and conflicts you can identify first. Then head on over to the official site and take a look at the cheat sheet. How'd you do?

Disclaimer #2 for the day: As odd as it sounds being just food and all... this film is a bit graphic so consider yourself warned.


Anonymous said...

oh man .. i TOTALLY remember that story HA ..

Anonymous said...

man I am sold glad you posted this. it really does deserve some attention. Its totally silly and yet so intelligent