31 January 2008

Santa Fe Cattle Co... Its ok... Just ok. ???

That's what I Twittered last night while at dinner with my family. On the surface, no big deal right? I mean by all normal standards I was just tossing out there in Twitterland for everyone to know that Santa Fe is just average. It's not Bern's or anything.

Funny (meaning sad) how we get so used to living a certain way compared to the rest of the world that our whole frame of reference changes (meaning it's incredibly screwed up). So, I'm standing there in worship last night at Highlands and I can't stop thinking about my Twitter. It bothered me because when we sit down to eat, we really do pause and thank God that we have food to eat... that we actually have food to eat. I mean I left the place full... more full than I should have and the only thing I have to say is it was "just ok." Most of the world would give anything for "just ok." And so standing there at Highlands, I couldn't stop thanking God for all I've been given...

When I'm hungry, I go to the refrigerator and there is an abundance of food. I can choose whatever I want.

When it rains, I have shelter for me and my family.

When it's cold, I have heat and warm clothes.

My shoes have good soles and that's just one of many, many, far too many pairs.

I have a laptop I'm typing this on that costs more than most people earn in a decade.

We drove a car to church last night and made it there safely...

...then my son walked through the doors to a massive indoor playground and had a blast while my wife and I got our Starbucks coffee.

I could complain that our house is not selling but at least we have a house that isn't selling.

I could complain about the drop in the market but at least we have stock that is falling.

I could complain about losing my my precious Josiah to an ugly disease but I'm thankful he's not dead but rather alive and in a place that has been graciously provided by my Heavenly Father and He is keeping him safe until one day we can be together again...

...and the hope of "being together again" has even been provided to me, my wife and Ben by that same generous and loving Savior.

And so, I'd like to revise my previous Twitter from last night...

Santa Fe Cattle Co... What a gift to sit here with my beautiful family and share a meal together. What a God that's so generous and loving...
Fill in the blanks... "I could complain about _________ but instead __________...."


Anonymous said...

I could complain about my friends moving to Ireland but instead I'll look forward to all the presents they're gonna bring back for me.

AND the debut of the world's first Irish/Alabama accent.

Jamie said...

THanks for the thought. It is easy to complain... I could complain that my baby won't go to sleep cause she's teething but instead I'm gonna be grateful for the smile she inevitably gives me every time I 'rescue' her from bed. Thank you Lord for my sweet angel.

Anonymous said...

saw your twitter and had to comment, for your own good. . .

misto is a word made up by starbucks. The real world calls it a café au lait.