23 January 2008

Home Church?

"The decline in church attendance over the last several decades has meant that countless churches across the Netherlands have lost their function. A dutch firm named Zecc has converted an old chapel into an apartment, carefully respecting and enhancing the character of the original building. "

Before... After...


Anonymous said...

I think it's beautiful!

shl45 said...

It's cool but sad at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Im totally diggin it but i think i would be a lil creeped out to sleep there ...

Dan said...

Yeah... I think I'm with all you guys so far. The thing is beautiful but I've always thought a church closing it's doors is sad. Especially the older cathedrals in Europe whose architecture was intended to be worship in an of itself. Be kind of a cool place for a home group though.

Jamie said...

I'm a little conflicted on this. On one hand, I think it would be cool to live in a place where so much prayer and praise took place... but it just seems like Holy Ground.

Anonymous said...

... I dont think you blog enough

Hope said...

I found your blog through a friend of a friend... we're missionaries in Scotland and see this kind of thing all the time. Actually, there are a number of churches here that have been converted to night clubs. One in particular has been converted into a place called, "Bedlam." I say, better one converted into a house!

Dan said...

So glad you stopped by... hope you'll stick around. I'd agree that a house is much better than a nightclub. Our family will be in Northern Ireland for the next 11 weeks and hopefully we can catch a RyanAir flight and shoot over and see Scotland. Thanks again for the input.

Dan said...

Ang... I'll try harder... :)