22 November 2007

Thankful for the Daniels in My Life

I know I said I wasn't going to post today but I felt compelled.  I also want to say that since I'm not giving an Academy Award speech I don't feel the need to run down the list.  Having said that, I wanted to focus on something I'm thankful for... I'm thankful for the Daniels in my life.

My grandfather's name is Daniel Lorenzo Atchison.  He's Pater to me (Pater is Greek for father).  He was the first one to come to faith in Christ decades ago.  If not for him, the Atchison name would be vastly different than it is today.  I have so much respect for who he is and what he's been in my life.  It all started with him.

My father is Daniel Wayne Atchison.  There's not enough room on the Internet to write what he means to me and what he's taught me.  He has been the single biggest influence on my life.  I'm so thankful to God for the father I've been given.

My son's name is Daniel Josiah Atchison.  No place to begin and no place to end.  I learned more from his life than I did from the journey in losing him.  I'm thankful for you son.  Thank you for who you are and all you taught me.

I'm so thankful for the Daniels in my life...

BTW, you may be wondering about the image of the bridge for this post.  Every time I see a bridge, I'm reminded of my dad.  He's the bridge generation that carried the Truth from my grandfather to continuing generations. 

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Call me a softie if you will, but I'm sitting here crying.