23 November 2007

Lego | Building Asia Brick by Brick

For the record, I love Lego bricks. You probably do as well. And, I know I've mentioned before about child-like creativity's effect on adults but that's why I couldn't pass this one up. Building Asia Brick by Brick is an exhibition of pieces constructed by architects around the world.

"Architects from China, Japan and Thailand amongst others were given kits of white LEGO building blocks and told to have just fun. The results, from Asiatic temples to futuristic towers to sustainable old-and-new city plans are currently touring Asia."

Andrew Maerkle of Art AsiaPacific says, "we felt the need to engage architects in a unique way, seeing how the architects respond to an unconventional but fun challenge. LEGO created the custom kits for us, choosing the white colour and providing each participant approximately 8,000 bricks of 2×2, 2×4 and 2×8 dimensions to work with. The idea behind Building Asia Brick By Brick was to get architects to engage spontaneously with the materials; we gave them no instructions other than to have fun!"

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