02 November 2007

Deadly Viper and Friends

When we were at Catalyst last month, we were walking towards the arena when... this really happened... Ninjas jumped out and attacked us. Well, they didn't really attack us... they gave us a book - Deadly Vipers. It's a great, thought-provoking little read by Mike Foster and Jud Wilhite. Well, I happened across the Deadly Vipers website and there's some great stuff on there as well. You really should RSS the blog.

This also led me to two more great blog feeds you should check out... Ethur and Anne Jackson's Flowerdust.

Deadly Viper is...

...an initiative dedicated to beginning a strategic conversation on the issues of radical integrity and grace. Our focus is to develop leaders who are having intentional, transparent, and honest conversations about key character issues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say thanks for the link! :) hope you enjoy the conversation!