29 December 2007

8 Ways to Look Ahead

I wanted to post up a piece from Jon Swanson over at Levite Chronicles. If you don't subscribe to his feed... you should. In his 8 Ways series, he suggests some words to think about as we look ahead and set new goals.

1. More. More often, more intentionally, more consistently.

2. Less. Less often, less reactively, with less intensity, with less (fewer) people.

3. Better. You know what better means for you. What do you want to do better?

4. Worse. What are you, what am I, willing to be worse at…if it will buy space for what is better? Do I want to be a worse packrat? Do I want to be a worse daily blogger?

5. Faster. What could I do faster that would create more time?

6. Slower. What could I do slower that would create more relationship?

7. Thoughtfully. What do I need to actually stop and think about? And how can I plan for that? (Gift-giving, for example)

8. Impulsively. What do I need to release from planning and strategizing?

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