09 November 2007

What Would You Do?

I know most of my posts don't demand or even encourage feedback but I'd really like to hear you weigh in on this one...

I was driving back with some students last weekend from our outreach near Palatka, FL and we were discussing the following question...

"What would you do if you had unlimited financial resources and unlimited human resources?"
I want to hear your answers and feel free to make them as long as you want. Thanks.

BTW... we had a great time at the outreach and Sunday services... shout out to Dave and Tammy Spedden. Thanks for having us.


Anonymous said...

I would rule the world. Then free all my sons and give them black diamonds and pearls.

shl45 said...

Oh Dan! I would provide free surgeries and health care to kids in foreign countries who need it the most. That is such a desire of mine! I didn't even have to think about my answer. And through all that process tell them how much Jesus loves them and how He was the provider for their surgery. I wish I had that kind of money to be able to do that! I keep praying for it!--Sharon

Anonymous said...

cure cancer.

Anonymous said...

then AIDS

Anonymous said...

if anything was possbile . i would give humanity their value back. i think that would solve alot of problems.

Dan said...

Great thought but how would you accomplish this colossal task?

ccyl said...

.....i would pray....

Anonymous said...

So speaking of, did you hear about the 100 MILLION anonymous donation given to a town in Pennsylvania?

ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. I can't fathom what that even looks like. I guess the city is dividing it up among 46 different charities.

Anonymous said...

Just be--I believe that's what God has--all is unlimited, however He gave us free will and we make choices. If I had to choose what I would do with all of that? I guess I would have more than anyone--all those resources add up to great power, however I would just be and let be because God would still be in control in my life and He has still given each free will; even with all of that I could not cure all, control all, rule all, divide and conquer, or own it all; it is all His and it is for me to hear what He would have me do with it.