06 November 2007

Expand your vocab and do some good...

Not a huge UN fan, but I came across this several weeks ago and had a lot of fun with it. Through the UN World Food Program and sponsorships from some pretty big hitters (Apple, Office Depot, Coke, etc.) comes FreeRice.com. It's a vocabulary builder site that will donate 10 grains of rice to people in need for every correct answer. Doesn't seem like much but take a look at the totals to see how quickly the site has grown and how much rice has been given away in just a month. It's actually quite addictive and it's free.


Anonymous said...

It is more than... well I played until i got to 50. A little addictive. I would have to agree.

Anonymous said...

Who the heck has heard of the word hirsute? Not me.........