06 November 2007

Chuck Anderson @ Threadless Gallery

If you're not familiar with Threadless, I have one question... where are you hiding? For those actually in hiding, Threadless is an online teeshirt company that prints consumer generated designs. It was started in 2000 and in recent years has really taken off... to the tune of moving from web only retail to an ubersweet store and gallery in downtown Chicago and a distribution warehouse just North of London to handle all their European customers.

That's not really what I wanted to write about. Chuck Anderson aka No Pattern will be featured at the Threadless Gallery’s first show, opening this Friday, November 9th, from 7-9 pm. He's showing off some new work and this will be his very first solo show.

Why am I mentioning this? Well... if you happen to be in the Chicago area, stop by the show and take some pics for me. Also, be looking for the interview with Chuck Anderson over at Danis Linus presents Digital Conversations due out in the next couple weeks.

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