I remember when I was a kid, there was this house in our neighborhood that was empty and waiting to be sold. Like "The Hatch" on Lost, we had to see what was inside. I don't know what we were thinking, because it was just a regular house in the neighborhood but it still held a kind of mystique to it (we were 10-years-old). When we got inside, we found nothing but it was still exciting. Below are 4 sites that take Urban Exploration to another level. The photography is amazing if not creepy at times. The abandoned hospitals, warehouses, schools, and other buildings all have a story to be told. Opacity is by far the best, but the other sites have some pretty amazing shots as well.

I love urban explorations!!! I'm sickly attracted to abandonment! any way Steven Wilkes did an Urban Exploration of Ellis Island <"http://stephenwilkes.com"> It's pretty sweet to see! ....ummm...yea thats it! :-) Yay for Photography! :-)
Thanks for the link... can't wait to see you next May.
I personally visited the Chernobyl area for two days in June 2006 with a friend and former resident of Pripyat. We toured the Chernobyl Plant (including the Reactor 4 control room), several of the abandoned villages, and Pripyat. I have posted a photo journal of my trip at:
My Journey to Chernobyl: 20 Years After the Disaster
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