18 October 2007

We Are What We Do

Came across a site tonight... www.wearewhatwedo.com. The whole idea behind the site is that there are simple, everyday actions that can change the world.

Recycle waste paper...
Don't be an ideas killer...
Enjoy a Fairtrade brew...
Praise people...
Remember people's names...
Practice good manners...
Say thanks...

If you've been reading DanisLinus at all, you know I've been digging into Romans again. Had a great lunch with my good friend, Shaylon (BTW, he's started his own blog) and we were talking about how Paul rapid-fires off a list of ways to live... Simple, everyday actions that can change the world. I'm thinking Romans is a bit more powerful, so check that out first... but visit www.wearewhatwedo.com anyway.

Shaylon... thanks for the pound of Guatemalan from Primavera.

1 comment:

Shaylon Sharp said...

Dude, I feel "Blogspot" impaired. Havin trouble learning how to link your page & my page & whatnot, that and my old blog made smoothies & gave NASDAQ reports, does Blogspot offer these options. PS - showed Boo the Beeson Chapel today & he loved it, his cell phone went off in the middle a a guy's practice on the pipe organ! Help me Obi Wan, and I hope you enjoy your coffee.