10 October 2007

It's what all the cool kids are doing...

Ok... so I got the request a couple of months ago from Eric Hunsberger to join Facebook so I can be a part of the MCIN Facebook group. At first, I thought, "Here we go... another social networking site... bla bla bla... Web 2.0... bla bla bla." So, I signed up. I just started really messing with it a couple of days ago and can I say... it is so much better than MySpace. I'll still do the MySpace thing and add friends and all but Facebook is where it's at. No wonder Yahoo offered $900 Million to the founder. The 23-Year Old Goon turned them down but I guess he's not such a goon now since it's valued at around $1.5 Billion.

So now I have... Blogger... Xanga... MySpace... Flickr... Facebook. Oh... and I also Digg. I guess I should get a real life. Oh that's right, I already have one and it's awesome.

The only thing I don't get and maybe someone out there can help me. Is there a URL for my Facebook profile or do you just find people by signing up and searching? Like my MySpace and Flickr have an actual address I can give people and it takes them straight to my own page. I can't seem to find where to select a URL where people can go directly to my profile.

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