03 October 2007

Catalyst (Almost) - Day 001

So the conference starts tomorrow but today has been a good day. It was great hanging with Steven and seeing where he does life now. I don't remember Atlanta being this cool. It's been probably 12 years since I was here last but it no longer feels like one big bucket of friend chicken. I mean it always just felt hot and greasy. But now, it's got some really sweet spots and Steven lives in Midtown which a really cool area. Anyway... I'm rambling. Looking forward to tomorrow... early start and all. Night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and this concludes my presentation... now give me your money or I will lock you in my concrete cave and torture you wind my evil wirlwind fan... MMHHOOOWAHAHAH (evil laugh).... man I had a blast... make sure you come back soon...